Before diving deep into the breath works, we need to know the important anatomical aspects of the Respiratory System.
To start with it is the journey of Life energy in the form of Oxygen from the outer environment to the most basic structure of the body, a cell. As air is inhaled from the nose on to the chest, it passes through the main airway called Trachea. It is a tube like structure, which starts after Larynx (Adams Apple), which divides into two smaller tubes known as Bronchi – each supplying the two Lungs (right and left).
The airways called Bronchi further get smaller and smaller, until they become microscopic in size, and finally terminating into bronchioles and alveoli. These air spaces give lung tissues a solid and fleshy look. These alveoli are surrounded by a network of small blood vessels called Capillaries and its there the exchange of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide takes place. After the exchange of gases, oxygen gets distributed to the whole body by the main pump inside us, the Heart.
Heart is divided into two functional units. Right side get the venous (deoxygenated blood) from the whole body, which is sent to the lungs for purification and after that flows to the left side of the heart, which again pumps it to the body.
This in short is the Anatomy, which touches upon the path taken by the air inhaled and exhaled.
more info link: www.agpbreathworks.com