Tip of the week

Our mission is to spread the art and science of mastering breath, so far known only to the enlightened Yogis of the Eastern Philosophy.

At the heart of experiencing a tranquil and rewarding life in its entire dimension on planet Earth lies a great secret known to the Yogis from time immemorial. If this most important aspect of human life is mastered, the life itself gets mastered. This essence lies in the enlightened Breath Works. Using correct breathing, developing the art of breath awareness and experiencing conscious breathing,it is now within the power of everyone to experience what the enlightened Yogis have realized all along.

Our mission is to reach out to each and every person possible and spread this simple yet most powerful and precious treasure of knowledge that has ever been known to the human race. Now you too can develop all round wellness and experience a Divine Life here and now on this planet by just taking care of your breath.

Correct your breath and you will correct your life.
Manage your breath and you will manage your life.
Master your breath and you will master your life.

A practitioner of breath works for over two decades has been associated with the tranquil and serene Himalayan Tradition of Eastern Spiritual Masters.

He has taught and enlightened hundreds of seekers in the art of right breathing techniques. These powerful techniques have the potential to bestow the elusive, holistic health benefits, which were until now available only to the Yogis. With his refined, easy to learn techniques of right breathing it is now possible for anyone to experience a perceptible and holistic upliftment in their Physical, Mental and Spiritual being.

A well known Anaesthesiologist from Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi for over three decades with over 50,000 surgical interventions, he has first hand knowledge of how human body functions. His insights are now available to everyone to enjoy a life of bliss in all its dimensions.

Breath works is a scientific term that assimilates three important constituents of enlightened breathing, largely unknown to human beings, even though each and every living being is breathing unconsciously day and night.

Enlightened Breath Works is the essence of the real art and science of living that results from the fusion of science of ‘Correct Breathing’, the art of ‘Breath Awareness’ and the sublime ‘Conscious Breathing’.

Now anyone can experience what Yogis always knew as a perfect Body (regeneration of body cells free from all diseases), a perfect Mind (full control over mind, emotions and mental being) and a realized Soul (Inner transformation and awakening of the Self).

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